The Cyprus News Agency (CNA) is an independent and autonomous corporation functioning under the Cyprus News Agency Law.
The Agency is governed by a seven-member Board composed mainly of journalists representing the Union of Journalists, the Publishers' Association, the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation, the Press and Information Office and the Ministry of Interior.
The 1989 law which established the Agency expressly provides that CNA cannot promote the interests of any political party or economic grouping.
In 1984 CNA expanded its activities by employing more journalists and concluding a number of agreements with other news agencies which translated and retransmitted a selection of CNA dispatches in various languages. Within this context, CNA established close cooperation with Athens News Agency (ANA), through which it has access to the ANA Photo Service, thus offering its subscribers a large selection of photographs covering local and international events.
As a national news agency, CNA focuses its attention on events in Cyprus or statements and activities that have some bearing on Cyprus or are of particular interest to the island and the region.
The subjects it covers are home news, domestic politics, foreign policy, economic affairs, culture and sports. CNA material is distributed to newspapers, radio and television stations, news agencies, foreign Embassies based on the island, the Cyprus diplomatic missions abroad and the organizations of overseas Cypriots.
As of May 2002, CNA also offers news in the Turkish language, which it distributes to Turkish Cypriot news media and political parties, as well as to the news media of Turkey.
CNA news in English is distributed to international news agencies such as Reuters, AFP and ITAR-TASS.
In addition to news, CNA offers photographs of news events in Cyprus, Greece and the world, in cooperation with ANA and international photo agencies. Its services include distribution of news releases, useful information and informative bulletins for overseas Cypriots.
CNA is a member of the European Alliance of News Agencies, the Alliance of Mediterranean News Agencies (AMAN) and the Commonwealth Press Union (CPU).
C.N.A.: P.O.Box: 23947, 1687 Nicosia, Tel.: 22319009, Fax: 22319006, email:, web site:
Foreign News Agencies - The Associated Press (AP), Reuters, DPA German, French News Agency (AFP),Athens News Agency, ITAR-TASS, XINHUA, ANSA, EFE (Spanish News Agency) use Cyprus as a regional base in the Middle East. Many other international news agencies and foreign newspapers and periodicals maintain foreign correspondents in Cyprus, like ABC News, BBC Radio and TV News, Sunday Times, The Times, Washington Times and others.
Source: Press And Information Office, Republic Of Cyprus, 2005